Liquisol Energy Saving Coatings
PFS Global are an Authorised Liquisol Applicator.

Translucent Solar Control for Skylights
Skylight panels and domes give you the feeling of living partly outside. That lovely sunlight, sometimes way too much, enters massively, making it unpleasant. Liquisol 4EVERblue solar reflective coating is very translucent for delightful sunlight without glare. The hot IR radiation got reflected outside. When you spay it, this heat blocker works fantastic and gives a nice blue shine from the inside.
The coating reflects the IR infra-red radiation of the sun outside, which results in 57% TSER
Translucent for the free sunlight resulting in VLT = 47%
4EVERblue lasts for more than 8 years when applied by PFS Global, an Authorised Liquisol Applicator.
4EVERblue is the most independently tested solar control coating for skylights.
White Cool Roof Coating
2WHITE improves the cooling energy efficiency of your building. It results in incredible cooling energy savings. White cool-roof coating against overheated rooms. All day long, the sun’s hot IR radiation attacks the roof. Blacktops cause the well-known heat-island effect. Our white cool-roof coatings resolve this problem.
- Applicable on all bitumen and EPDM surfaces.
- Lower the roof surface temperature from 80°C to 35°C.
- Increases the efficiency of solar panels.
- Solar reflectance is 0,87 with a thermal emittance of 0,91.
Solar Reflective Wall & Roof Coating
Does your roof or walls need a new colour for a fresh new look? Is the building getting too warm in the summertime? FACADE5finish will solve both problems.
- Protects your walls and roofs for many, many years.
- Available in every RAL colour.
- Reflects 30% of solar heat, and keeps your building fresh and new.
Temporary & Removable Solar Reflective Coating for Skylights
You can apply 3SEASONSblue on every type of skylight, PMMA, Polycarbonate, polyester and glass. 3SEASONSblue is a temporary, removable solar reflective coating that reduces the heat from any skylight. The coating is translucent, not transparent. Specially developed pigments reflect the infrared radiation of the sun outside. That way, you can keep any room under the skydome cool when you want it to be cool.
- Blocks 57% of the solar heat from any plastic and glass skylights or domes.
- Ideally suited for rentals or tests because it’s removable. Temporary means removable: with water+s00p+ammonia, you can remove the coating when you want.
Keeps Facades Dry & Clean
Is your building not energy efficient in wintertime? A smart solution is to keep the facades dry. FACADE5+protect makes your walls and roof hydrophobic. As a result, the rain will no longer penetrate. This hydrofuge prevents re-fouling, algae, mould and moss infestation and wall efflorescence. The rain barrier formed by FACADE5+protect remains active for years while maintaining the building’s breathability. When facades are impregnated with FACADE5+protect, the building will be dry and mould-free!
- Your building will continue to breathe, but rain and dirt will be repelled for years.
- A dry building is a healthy building.
- An ideal way to insulate your building is a dry façade, which reduces heating costs.
Elastomeric Liquid Waterproofing
H2Oproof is an elastomeric roof coating based on acrylic polyurethane. This elastic liquid waterproofing is used on concrete, asphalt, tar roofs and metal sheets.
H2Oproof is easily applied by roller at a thickness of 2 mm. The expected lifetime is 10 years, but with an annual inspection, it can be doubled.
Because of the white colour with an SRI of >80%, the solar reflectance is superior, which results in a massive energy saving on the AC consumption.
Extreme Solar Control, Maximum Glare Control
4EVERdark extreme solar control will solve your problem when that solar energy is entering just way too much via the roof skylights, domes or windows. 4EVERdark blocks the sunrays massively and reflects all solar IR heatwaves.
- Maximum glare reduction with a VLT = 33%
- For more than 8 years, 4EVERdark will be the powerful sun blocker for your skydomes.
- Applicable on any plastic, skylights, domes and safety glass.
- Maximum IR reflection results in a TSER = 65%